Our Virtual Library: TEDEd


Hello everyone! This is a quick post to highlight one of the new links in our Virtual Library: TEDEd. 

You have probably seen, or heard of, TED Talks - TEDEd is TED's "youth and education initiative," and their mission is to "spark and celebrate the ideas of teachers and students around the world" (TEDEd/About). I have been going through this resource, and I have to say, I love it. There are videos about so many different topics, they are all fairly short, and they also feature captions! 

I know things are difficult right now, and even more so now that we've started working with red zone restrictions. I always find that the more I know and understand about something, the easier it is for me to cope - it's the unknowns make me worry. This video made me feel a little better this morning, so I wanted to share it with you.

This is hard, but it will end. We can do this.


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